Written 21 July 2024 - This document is intended only for the preparation of chilli powder samples for subsequent test on the FoodSense Generation Four and later models.
The method described within this document is considered to work for chilli powder samples in the range 50,000 SHU to 500,000 SHU.
This document described the preparation of sample subsequently tested on the FoodSense Generation Four.

STEP One – Weight out 0.01 g (10 milligrams).
STEP TWO – Place the 10 milligram sample in a 15 ml tube, and fill the level to 10 ml with ChilliPot Buffer (supplied by Zimmer and Peacock). Obtaining a mixture ratio of 1:1000.

STEP THREE – Capsaicin is an organic molecule with poor solubility and it’s the fats and oils in chilli products that help to dissolve capsaicin. When testing chilli powders it is necessary to agitate and extend the extraction time to ensure that we extract all the capsaicin into the ChilliPot buffer. Having prepared the chilli powder suspension in STEP TWO we left the sample agitating/rocking for 24 hours, at ZP we used Grant Instrument’s PTR-35, though alternative instruments do exist.
